Nearest hotelsActual distances may vary according to route of travel.   62428.5 km   62428.6 km   62428.7 km   62428.8 km   62429.1 km | Hotel Diana30, ArtsakhDistance to city center — 62428.4 kmRoom RatesCheck hotel availability and rates for proposed travel dates. Prices include seasonal discounts. Price includes:- Accommodation
- Breakfast
- Internet WiFi (Wireless)
Hotel PolicyThese are general hotel policies and may vary according to room type.Check-In | From 12:00 | Check-Out | To 12:00 | Cancellation | No fee will be charged for cancellations or changes in reservations made 48 hours prior to check-in.
A fee equivalent to one night's stay will be charged for cancellations or changes in reservations made within 48 hours of arrival. This fee will also be applied in case of no-shows. 12:00 |
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