24B Bagramyan ave., Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, Tel.: +374(10)56-33-21 , +374(93)885-642
Russian federation
119/68 Prospekt Mira ave., VVC, Pavilion "Armenia", office 115., Moscow, Russia. Tel./fax: +7(495)772-9871
Wine cellar GetnatounGetnatoun winery was founded in 1999 by entrepreneur Aghasi Baghdasaryan on the basis of his family business.The winery is situated in the Valley of Arpa River, in Vayots Dzor region. The winery uses the high quality yield of its own vineyard and modern wine making technologies. This combined with meticulous control throughout the production process has led to the production of superior Getnatoun wines, now famous and demanded among the consumers. To ensure the high quality of the wine, the fermentation occurs naturally. For semidry and semisweet wines the fermentation is never interrupted by adding alcohol. The fermentation discontinues naturally when the wine is taken into a colder place.
Presently Getnatoun winery produces more than 7 types of wines among them red and white, ordinary, dry, semidry and semisweet natural wines as well as vintage wines through the method of natural fermentation. The wines do not contain any admixtures and preservatives. Before bottling, the wines age in 225-228 l oak barrels.
Wines from Getnatun at many international exhibitions and wine tasting commissions earned over the 30-gold, silver and bronze medals and diplomas.
These days Getnatoun winery is actively involved in Agritourism development effort. A newly constructed tasting hall as well as the drip irrigation installed in one of the vineyards, have contributed to the increase of the number of the tourists. COLLECTION WINE CELLAR «GETNATOUN»