| Stepanakert Brandy Factory«The Cognac Factory of Stepanakert» CJSC, formerly «Kharabagh Gold», includes the wine factories of Red Market, Martuni and Stepanakert. In its production the factory includes fruit vodkas; mulberry and cornel. To carry out the production process the factory procures a large amount of grape and each year it increases the volume procurement. According to the data of the year of 2007 over 5200 tons of grape has been procured, in 2008-5800 tons and in 2009- over 6200 tons. «The Cognac Factory of Stepanakert» CJSC has 212 hectares of vineyard. In Artsakh «The Cognac Factory of Stepanakert» procures the 70%-80% of the procured grape harvest.
The wine factories of Red Market and Martuni mainly provide the realization of grape procurement, production and ageing cognac alcohol by the company and the wine factory of Stepanakert deals mainly with bottling. For this purpose the modern European conveyor with productivity of 2000 bottles per hour has already been invested in the factory which works automatically.
For the purpose of pomegranate wine production pomegranate orchards are cultivated and each year they go on expanding. At present the factory possesses pomegranate orchard 617 of hectares, 48 hectares of which, a considerable part, is newly-planted. In 2007 over 70 tons of pomegranate has been procured, in 2008 -100 tons, in 2009-150 tons.
The main strategic activity direction of «The Cognac Factory of Stepanakert» is cognac-making.
At present the factory holds over 100,000 deca-litres of cognac alcohol for ageing. The ageing is completely carried out in traditional barrel method, in oak wood barrels. For this purpose the company has opened cooperage workshop with modern high quality equipments.
The production of fruit vodkas also plays a significant role for the factory. For the purpose of production of peculiar fruit vodkas of mulberry and cornel, which istraditional for Artsakh, mulberry and cornel are procured in the factory.
According to the data of the year of 2007 over 200 tons of mulberry and cornel has been procured. In 2009 300 tons of mulberry and 80 tons of cornel has been procured.
The volume of procurement in 2010 has considerably increased, coming to 400 tons of mulberry and 200 tons of cornel.
The prodution of «The Cognac Factory of Stepanakert» is mainly exported to Russian Federation, particularly Moscow. The factory actively cooperates with Yerevan Cognac Factory.

The cognac assortments presented by the factory are particularly popular with the consumers as they are made of Kharabagh delightful grape alcohol.
We present 7 year-old cognac which has unique taste and special scent, as well as attractive appearance.
The presented Berdashen wine is made of Khndoghni grape sort, description – red demi-doux, bottled in 0.75 litre glass bottles. It has special palatability and with its appearance and unique scent does not differ from other sorts of wine.
Chartar is among the delicious wines of Artsakh land. The white Chartar wine is made of Retsatsteli grape sort, description – white pure in 0.75 litre glass bottles. The peculiar taste and sort scent is typical of white Chartar wine.
Gishi wine, presented by the factory, is made of Khndoghni grape sort. It is a red pure wine, bottled in 0.75 litre glass bottles, with a pleasant astrigency and a special scent of taste and sort. In a short period the variety of Gishi wine was popular both in home and foreign market.
Among Kharabagh delicious wines pomegranate demi-doux wine is also very popular. It is made of Khndoghni grape sort. It is bottled in 0.75 litre glass bottles, has a pleasant astrigency and a special palatability.
Khndoghni is made of Khndoghni grape sort. It is a red pure wine, bottled in 0.75 litre glass bottles. It has a pleasent astrigency. The presented wine with its taste and appearance do not yield to the other sorts of wines.
Among fruit vodkas we present mulberry, offered by the factory, the traditional technology of which dates back to centuries ago. This vodka with its peculiar appearence and unique palatability is popular both in home and foreign market.
The mulberry vodka is made in copper bowls, is twice distilled and its density is 54%. It is bottled in 0.5 litre glass bottles.
Among fruit vodkas we present cornel, offered by the factory, the traditional technology of which dates back to centuries ago. This vodka with its peculiar appearence and unique palatability is popular both in home and foreign market.
The cornel vodka is made in copper bowls, is twice distilled and its density is 54%. It is bottled in 0.5 litre glass bottles.
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