24B Bagramyan ave., Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, Tel.: +374(10)56-33-21 , +374(93)885-642
Russian federation
119/68 Prospekt Mira ave., VVC, Pavilion "Armenia", office 115., Moscow, Russia. Tel./fax: +7(495)772-9871
Vedi Alco
Viticulture and winemaking in Armenia have great economic value. Not surprisingly, even in the narrow-minded Soviet era more than 38% of the gross income of agriculture was winemaking. Over the past few years there has been some recovery in the sectors of viticulture and winemaking in Armenia, which is probably due to the market demand for wine products and the competition of existing enterprises. Currently, one of the leading domestic producers of wine production is the company 'Vedi Alco ". The company was established on the basis of three major companies: 1. JSC «Getap wine factory», was founded in 1938. 2. JSC «Vedi wine factory», was founded in 1956. 3. LTD «Vedi», was founded in 1994.
The company 'Vedi Alco "and aimed his principal policy promotes the wine industry. Through the efforts of the company for the first time in the republic was founded and established the production of wheat grain alcohol and vodka. The company 'Vedi Alco "produces alcohol, vodka, high-quality wines and champagne. The products manufactured by the company at international exhibitions and tastings won 40 gold, silver and bronze medals and honorary diplomas.